Monday, 20 March 2017

We have officially moved in!

The last weekend was a wet one, but a productive one. We didn't get as much done as I would have liked but we still did heaps. The reason for the slight delay of works was due to OH covering up the gaps in the wall sheeting that was done quite badly before. Because it was so wet outside it took a while to dry. The walls look excellent now. Despite all this we fully completed the kitchen and main bedroom. We had done most of the work when we first moved in but it still needed a few bits and pieces painted. We also managed to get the bed set up and most of our stuff in the kitchen so at least we can live there. Yay! Here are some photos of what we achieved:

Third bedroom cutting in. RIP brown skirting!

Second bedroom bogging up the gaps.
They were very bad in this room. Also did more priming.

Bogging the gaps in the lounge room.

Doing the gaps in the front door and cutting in with some primer.
Awkward spot next to the stairwell here.

Toilet cut in
Bathroom cut in

Hallway almost finished priming.
So hopefully next weekend we can finish a couple more rooms (and lets hope its less wet so things actually dry!). Have a good week!


  1. Kat, you have cleaned up that place so well. I live with a hoarder and know how much work it would take to get rid of the 'stuff'. Much of the problem is due to the fact that we have lived here for nearly 40 years and the 'stuff' has accumulated. I am so pleased you were able to buy the house after all your hard work.

  2. You've both worked so hard and it shows. It must feel great to move in too.

    Looking forward to your updates.
