Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Our first weekend in OUR home!

It is official. I have signed my life away and now own my very own home. How exciting! It is something I have wanted for as long as I can remember. And the house and land is in such a rough state, so it will be a great project for OH and myself. Enough chatting, time for photos!

Settlement occurred on Friday, so we didn't get to the house until Friday night. It was pretty clean which was a great help. On Saturday we had my parents and OHs parents and their partners. All 8 of us made short work of cleaning! We got a lot of painting done too, much more than I had anticipated. I have mentioned in previous posts that we had already painted the kitchen and main bedroom, but they will still need some touch ups. These photos are the bulk of what we did.

This is the hallway before and after:

The green made it a bit dark

Much better and brighter. This will be antique white. Bye bye blind.

This is the 2nd bedroom before and after:

Brown trim.............

Looks so much lighter with some white skirting

Third bedroom ceiling before and after:


Now it is brighter and smells a lot more fresh. We are missing some cornice!

And the lounge room before and after:

Dark green on the back wall made the loungeroom a bit dull

Much better

Love the big windows! Cleaning them made a big difference.

The trim will be painted white to brighten up the room. The colour on the far right is the one we are thinking for the walls!

This weekend will be spent...painting! We will be focusing on the trim so we can start putting some colour up soon. I would really like to get the main bedroom and kitchen complete so we can at least live there. The goal is saturday night!

More updates next week! Have a good one!


  1. Wow, you did have a busy weekend. It looks great. I look forward to seeing more.

  2. Fabulous! I'm so excited for you! It looks great. I love the new light airiness that the lighter colours have given your rooms.

  3. I have really enjoyed following your journey on the forum so am now glad I've found your blog. Congratulations and I really look forward to your updates - kyliemarie from the forum.
