Friday, 19 August 2016

Kitchen Cleaning Weekend

To start off the weekend, I spent Saturday morning at my parents to celebrate my Mums birthday. Because I still work in Brisbane I will be staying there during the week while OH lives up at the sunshine coast. In order to still have a garden I planted one into a free bed next to the driveway. It gets a good amount of sun and it is visible so I don’t think I can neglect it too much. This is what it looked like before:

It is almost totally clay, and as our current house is sandy loam it will be a different experience trying to grow something in it. I hope it will be successful. Here is a photo of it all planted out and ready to go:

My grandma helped out too and I think it will be a bit of a joint garden, she can water when I am up the coast and I can do all the digging and planting. It was a nice morning spent with her.
After I finished the bed I headed straight up the coast to get moving on the house. This weekend’s mission for me was the kitchen so at least we can keep and prepare food for ourselves. It took me two days of cleaning and clearing out the owners stuff. I put most of it into boxes to be taken away and had to clean all the surfaces. I had some help on Saturday which was much appreciated and made the day go by a lot quicker. Here is a before photo:

And here is after:

It is a functional space and I think it will suit our needs very well. While I was doing the kitchen, OH was busy in the rest of the house. He took a trailer load of green waste to the dump and also a trailer and ute load of general waste. There was a lot of crap that had been lying around outside for a long time that just had to go. He also cleaned the main bedroom so we can start to stay there this week. Because he did such a good job OH and his mum cracked on with painting the room too. The room feels very clean and bright, very different to before. The room smells like paint instead of dog which is a good change. Here are some before and during photos:

This weekends mission is more painting and clearing out of stuff so we can live there. I haven’t finished the pantry in the kitchen and now the lounge room is full of kitchen boxes. I also have to start getting our current house ready for the move, which will be hard as OH is living up the coast already. What a crazy month and there are still more to come. More updates coming soon. 

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