Monday, 18 July 2016

Regional Flavours Festival

On Sunday we went to the Regional Flavours Festival in South Bank in Brisbane. It was a beautifully warm day (almost hot!). We saw Paul West and Nick Ritar from Milkwood both talk and it was delightful. Sometimes it is nice to hear your point of view is held by others and that you are not alone. 

While we were there we bought some seeds from Green Harvest, ready for summer. We also picked up a very nice laundry basket to replace our plastic one which is on it's last legs. I don't like the plastic ones because they are made so poorly they break all the time. Now I have a lovely basket which will last forever, almost makes me want to do laundry!

I was also busy in the kitchen. I made kumquat marmalade from 2kg of kumquats. It is super delicious, sweet at the start and finishing with a mild bitter taste. It was a lot of chopping small kumquats!

I also made my first batch of sauerkraut from our own cabbage, we'll see how it  goes.

The garden is going well, I'm hoping the warm days doesn't knock it about too much. The broccoli and lettuce we planted about a month ago is doing well.

I started off on Friday with some yarn for my grandma's vest, but ended up returning and picked up a whole heap of coloured yarn to start the blanket for the queen bed that I've been planning for a while (thanks to an excellent sale). The colours are great and I think they'll look nice together. Here is a photo of them. Can't wait to get started. I have become the person with a big stash, at least I have a plan for it all.

Have a nice week!

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